Featuring the Nation’s Premier
Cigar Host for Private Events
Joe “the Cigartainer” Sweigart
When Joe hosts your cigar station, he promotes YOUR brand WITH PREMIUM CIGARS
Joe provides the highest quality hand-rolled cigars coupled with fun and flair at Corporate Events, Golf Outings and Special Occasions across the country and around the globe. His forté is educating people on the art of the smoke, all the while, channeling his Client’s goodwill. It’s what Joe calls, Long Ashes, Baby!!!
Joe’s BA in Applied Behavioral Science along with meeting more than 125,000 people, helps him make unique genuine connections with VIPs. Joe has never met a stranger.
Cigartainment® came to life in 1995, pioneering the art form of presenting hand-rolled cigars at events. Sweigart Cigar Co. has been serving clients ever since and won’t stop smoking until the last long ash falls…
Before The Sweigarts, cigar rolling as an event experience did not exist. Joe had a vision to bring cigars to the masses through events and gatherings; whether on the golf course, through business or celebrating with friends. His ethos was simple; distribute the highest quality cigar with fun and flair; educating people on the art of the smoke and the beauty of a long ash.